How do I find the Block and lot number if I only have and address to work with for a property?
2005-12-26 06:40:48 UTC
How do I find the Block and lot number if I only have and address to work with for a property?
Seven answers:
2005-12-26 06:53:51 UTC
Search the property appraiser website and type in the address. That should find the persons name and you can find the full legal description from that persons name.
2015-08-16 22:46:40 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


How do I find the Block and lot number if I only have and address to work with for a property?
2016-01-28 07:37:07 UTC
find block lot number address work property
2016-09-24 10:58:36 UTC
Find Block And Lot
2005-12-26 08:45:41 UTC
Perhaps a local escrow company can assist by you giving them the address. Call the customer service desk. Once you give the address, you should be able to get the assessor parcel number APN and then you can identify by the block and lot.

A friendly broker may als be able to assist.
2005-12-28 06:33:41 UTC
You can go to your local city hall or town hall and ask for a field card on that address and on that card it will tell you the block and lot number.
2015-07-29 11:30:51 UTC
616 excelsior st pleasant hills pa

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