Whats in a name? I changed the name of my company and have received more phone calls in the past 3 weeks.?
2005-12-30 09:00:06 UTC
I just posted on a few classified online pages and ive received more calls from that than i did all year in the yellow pages. WOW, me thinks for 4 years i was wrong!
Two answers:
Mommy 2 Special Needs KIDZ
2006-01-29 11:18:30 UTC
a rose by any other name? but if your flower shop is called Joe's instead of Claire's you may not do as well since the feminine name and flowers go together. I think the same goes for any business. I for one never call AAA anything because they only want to be first in the phone book and they strike me as cheap and underhanded while they might be great businesses but I would never know.
TM Express™
2006-01-12 15:52:07 UTC
What was your old name? What's your new name? It's amazing what a name will "say" to people.

A name's originality and legal availability will create a real asset value of its own, as it becomes marketed and gains market acceptance.

The name you chose will become the focal point of all the benefits and features that relate to your product or business. Customers will be able to find and refer others to it in the future.

Established products or businesses realize the value of customer good will. A well chosen name will provide an extra marketing advantage, that may mean the difference between failure and success.

Companies go to great lengths to trademark and protect the usage of their name.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.