Is there an antique shop on or nearby Atlanta?
2005-11-14 18:47:43 UTC
Is there an antique shop on or nearby Atlanta?
Three answers:
2005-12-09 07:26:50 UTC
Miami Circle in Buckhead is full of antique shops.
2005-12-15 04:43:25 UTC
There are tons of shops in and around Atlanta. Miami Circle is the best known and has a great selection from tons of stores, but none are inexpensive. The selection is broad, from US to European and English to Asia. There are also two antique markets that are held once/month (Lakewood and Scott's - info on the web) that have less expensive but less well-preserved mostly American antiques. There are also the Bennett Street galleries off Peachtree Road - smaller than Miami Circle and more art-oriented but still with nice antiques.
2005-12-20 20:44:13 UTC
My favorite antique store is Kudzu in Decatur, on E. Ponce (near the farmer's market).

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