I am a 48yr old female who want to move to Atlanta Ga. do you think I'm too old to get a new start some where
2005-12-15 21:46:20 UTC
else? Thank!
Two answers:
Jim knows
2005-12-15 21:50:19 UTC
Absolutely not. If you feel that you would benefit from a new start, do it. Just investigate and think things over first. For example, how easy will it be to find a job there?
Miss Awkward Silences
2005-12-16 05:55:44 UTC
I think this is a great time to start over in a new city!

You still are active, working and beautiful! Much better to do it now than in 10 years when you will be over the hump!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.