What are the requirements for registering as a .com or .org?
2006-03-23 09:55:34 UTC
What are the requirements for registering as a .com or .org?
Seven answers:
2006-03-23 10:06:13 UTC
.com listing are for everyone; .org are for organizations such as non - profits like red cross, etc. ; .gov are for government groups including senators, assembly, house of representatives, veterans admin.,etc.
2006-03-24 01:19:28 UTC
you must search to find company that you r o.k w/ then once you have done that u have to search 2 c if the domain name is being used once u have an available name u have a .com or .org
Umar Khan
2006-03-23 18:22:48 UTC
no much requirments you required to register .com, .org, .info and others. just select a name for your webiste and check the availability and just register.
2006-03-23 17:58:00 UTC
just going to a web site that sells them and paying for it...

If I were to make a web site, I would buy each a .net .org and .com... maybe some of the others too...

That would just make it harder for someone to try to copy you with just using a different end to the url...

2006-03-24 20:15:33 UTC
Go daddy rules! There intent is for commercial vs. non-profit but nothing will stop you from making a profit on a .org site.

Check out go daddy!
2006-03-23 17:58:36 UTC
The domain name has to be available and you have to have about $3 per year.

Generally .orgs are reserved for not for profit organizations. But really anyone can register those domain names (I use this it's great)
2006-03-23 17:56:22 UTC
Having $3 nowadays...

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